Talk Like a Professor
Women are attracted to "verbal fluency"—a big vocabulary, long, complex sentence structures, and smooth delivery. All of these speech characteristics signal to her that you're smart, educated, and probably capable of earning lots of dough, explains Benjamin P. Lange, Ph.D., of Germany's University of Gottingen. As much as you're able, Lange recommends using big words and—more than anything else—speaking confidently and without long pauses.
Keep the Smiles to a Minimum
Women regard too much smiling as a sign of femininity and timidity—both of which are turn-offs, according to a study in the journalEmotion. Researchers asked more than 1,000 people to rate photos of the opposite sex in terms of hotness. Smiling men were judged least attractive by the ladies—behind shame-faced, prideful, or guys with neutral expressions. That doesn't mean you should be a stone-faced hardass when you approach her. Just lose the permanent grin, the research suggests.
Deploy the Proper Joke
More than any other personality trait, a good sense of humor unlocks the door to her bedroom, according to a study from Northumbria University in the U.K. Why? Women regard a sense of humor as a sign of intelligence and honesty, the study authors say. But there's one big catch: Women dig positive, inclusive jokes—not negative jabs or put-downs, explains Theresa DiDonato, Ph.D., of Loyola University. DiDonato and her colleagues studied the way men jest, and pinned down the style of humor that women find most appealing. Her advice? Ditch the sarcasm, insults, and unflattering observations of others. Instead, your goal is witty, kind-hearted banter. "I noticed you bobbing your head to this Justin Bieber song, so I knew we'd have a lot in common." That sort of thing.
Interrupt Her
It sounds rude, but occasionally cutting in to finish her sentences or agree with her—"I feel exactly the same way!"—shows her you're both on the same page, finds research from Stanford. While men tend to let each other finish sentences, women constantly interrupt one another while chatting. Doing likewise can make her feel more comfortable and close to you, but only if what you say builds on or supports what she's saying, the researchers explain. Cutting in to change the subject is a no-no.
Kiss Her Like You Mean It
She laughed at your jokes and seemed to dig your big words. But the last obstacle is a treacherous one: the first kiss. Blow it, and any interest she had in you can evaporate in an instant, shows a study from the University of Albany. The same study identified three important elements of a winning starter smooch: Good breath, little-to-no tongue, and assertiveness. Pop a mint on your way out of the bar, take her face in your hands, and look her in the eyes as you lock lips. Keep your mouth relaxed and your saliva to yourself, and you'll knock her socks off, the research suggests.
5 Ways to Seduce Her with Your Mouth [Read More]
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Friday, August 22, 2014
![5 Ways to Seduce Her with Your Mouth [
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