This Man Is The World’s Poorest President, But The Reason Why He’s Poor Will Surprise You [PHOTOS]

 You might not believe it, but Jose Mujica, president of Uruguay since 2010, is known to be the world’s poorest president.

Jose donates more then of 90% of his $12,000 per month salary to benefit the poor and to help small entrepreneurs. If we need more of anything in this world, it would be more people like this!This man doesn’t put value on his appearance or clothes. He is criticized for his posture and clothes, but Jose puts more value on other things in life instead.
Before his presidency, he was a guerilla fighter for Tupamaros, which acted like “Robin hood.” They literally robbed evil banks, gun clubs, and other businesses to give to the poor. He truly believed that his value was not in gaining more money, it was in the wellbeing of his country and people. He was imprisoned 2 times for a total of 14 years and shot 6 times after an escape attempt, But he still continues to fight for the people even in his high office now as president of Uruguay. 

This president’s example is a testament to how we should live our lives. We don’t need more things to be happy. In fact, some of the most wealthy people in the world, have their wealth stored in the currency of unselfishness, kindness, and true love. Maybe its time for a change?
This Man Is The World’s Poorest President, But The Reason Why He’s Poor Will Surprise You [PHOTOS] This Man Is The World’s Poorest President, But The Reason Why He’s Poor Will Surprise You [PHOTOS] Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, January 12, 2015 Rating: 5

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