Some people live in squalid conditions, work in searing heat and often cannot leave as their employers keep their passports
An Iranian photographer has captured the desperate lives of South Asian labourers who travel to Dubai in the hope of building a future for their families - but find only squalor, low wages and backbreaking work in stifling heat.
Farhad explains: 'People come to this land to make their future and benefit from the huge investments in construction and oil.
'There are many luxurious hotels and world-renowned structures which labourers have built over recent years.
'The employer usually takes their passport as soon as they arrive at Dubai airport and they are all sent to Sonapur.
'The labourers usually work 14 hours where in summer the temperature goes over 50C.
'Conversely, it is usually advised for western tourists not to stay outside for more than five minutes in summer.
'According to the government's laws, work places should close down during this kind of temperature in order not to harm labourers and their health, but the government often does not even announce the right weather temperature.'
The side of Dubai That They DON’T Want You to See
Reviewed by Unknown
Saturday, December 06, 2014
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