Actress Meagan Good’s Pastor Husband Finally Speaks On Her N ude Photos Leak

Pastor Devon Franklin with wife, actress Meagan Good

Preacher and Hollywood producer Devon Franklin recently spoke with a Christian newspaper about his marriage and how he and actress wife Megan Good came through a serious trial together.
In September, Good and several other celebrities, had their iClouds hacked and revealing photos stolen and leaked to the public.

Many criticized Good, wondering why she would pose for such photos and send them to her husband, a well-known pastor. The couple stayed relatively quiet on the topic, but Franklin spoke about the situation with The Christian Post this week.
“It’s amazing … when you are doing what God calls you to do, there’s always going to be conflict. And the number one thing for us was just to make sure we are staying together and that she is feeling supported and loved,” said Franklin. We know that the Bible says whatever is meant to be used for our negative will be turned around and used for good. So we just continue to pray for the good and to get through it as a couple knowing that God was with us and praying for all those affected.
He also shared his compassion for other couples and women involved in the massive nude photo leak.
It wasn’t just us—there were a number of people who went through it—we pray for God’s grace to be upon them and that the enemy will get nothing out of this,” he continued. 

When asked about being true to who he is while in Hollywood and preaching at the same time, Franklin noted that it’s all about remaining true to God and the person God has called him to be.
“But for God’s grace, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to inspire people through entertainment,” the pastor said. “It’s nothing to be arrogant about but instead be grateful for the opportunity. There’s nothing except to be grateful.”

Franklin recently worked on the new film “Annie,” which debuts on Dec. 19.
Actress Meagan Good’s Pastor Husband Finally Speaks On Her N ude Photos Leak Actress Meagan Good’s Pastor Husband Finally Speaks On Her N ude Photos Leak Reviewed by Unknown on Tuesday, December 02, 2014 Rating: 5

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