Watching p orn, lusting after a crush and consuming s exually driven media all work to give the enemy a foothold in a person’s heart and mind.
Let’s Talk About S ex
S ex is not a dirty word and it should be talked about more… especially in the church. Here are 5 lies that single Christians should refuse to believe about their s exuality.
Lie #1 – S exuality Serves No Purpose Until I’m Married: S exuality has always been God’s idea and He uses it to be glorified through singles and married couples. John Piper said, “The ultimate reason why we are s exual is to make God more fully knowable.” Our s exual desires reflect a deeper spiritual intimacy that God longs to have with us beyond what we can attain physically. S exuality is therefore meant to be embraced and then properly stewarded. For singles, this means practicing abstinence.
Lie #2 – If I’m Tempted, There’s Something Wrong: Temptation will come, expect it. In Genesis God tells Cain, “sin is [always] crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” God is more concerned with how His children respond to satan’s schemes. Don’t allow condemnation to set-in, instead grab hold of the Holy Spirit and allow Jesus to be made strong in your areas of weakness.
Lie #3 – S exual Purity Depends On The Physical Act of S ex: Big misconception here. Watching p orn, lusting after a crush and consuming s exually driven media all work to give the enemy a foothold in a person’s heart and mind. Jesus put it another way in saying, “I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her already committed adultery with her in his heart.” S exual purity begins with the heart, not just in the action.
Lie #4 – Holiness Is About Getting Rid of Desire: The very fact that God created our desires is proof that ditching them is not His plan. This idea fosters a stoic, legalistic mindset that prevents Christians from enjoying their season of singleness. Holiness is allowing the Spirit to govern natural desires and sin is when natural desires are allowed to run the show. Desire is good, but without discipline it can lead you down a path full of unnecessary hurts.
Lie #5 -Once You Get Married S ex Won’t Be An Issue: The idea that once you say “I do” you won’t ever have to worry about s ex issues throws many newlyweds off in those early years of marriage. Primarily because the challenges are different and unexpected. While being married means you’re free to have s ex, it doesn’t exempt you from dealing with s exual temptations such as: extramarital flirting, marital s ex conflict and past s exual memories. Whether you are single or married, bringing your s exuality under the submission of Christ will be a lifetime ongoing effort.
Source: Beliefnet
5 Lies Unmarried Christians Believe About S ex [Read More]
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Tuesday, October 21, 2014
![5 Lies Unmarried Christians Believe About S ex [
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